Astral Projection Guide - A Gateway to Consciousness
Astral Projection Occurs Naturally
We just need to learn to get our mind out of the way. When we open up to it, let go of fear, and invite it through practice and routines. It will naturally become part of our range of experience. That is what this guide is about.
This Guide is for You
You feel a deep longing for something beyond your day-to-day experience
You are open minded and feel a calling to discover your internal world
You are fascinated by the spiritual world and the workings of your mind
You feel an unexplainable magnetic pull towards this guide
Your path led you here, now
There are no accidents in the universe
Through This Guide You’ll
Lose fears of transitioning into astral projection
Overcome roadblocks that freeze your progress
Learn how to move into brainwave states for astral travel
Have access to a list of best practices
Learn how to integrate astral projection into your daily life
… and more
The 3 Parts of the Astral Projection Guide
Intellectual Framework
This part contains 15 audio tracks that build an intellectual framework that creates an understanding of the territory of astral projection with which you can let go of fear and concerns to move forward without hesitation.
1. Introduction & Overview
2. How to use this Guide
3. My Story
4. What is Astral Projection?
5. The Big Shift of Identity
6. Brainwave States
7. Further Mind Technology
8. Exploring Consciousness
9. Control vs Surrender
10. Integrating Astral Experiences
11. Best Practices
12. Addressing Concerns
13. Roadblocks
14. Surf Analogy
15. How & When to Practice
Astral Projection Preparation
In this section you will practice the techniques to smoothly transition into astral projection in a seated meditative way. Further, you will develop direct experience of the knowledge that was shared in the intellectual framework section.
1. Recognize Yourself as Consciousness
2. Brainwave Meditation
3. Concentration Meditation
6. Allowing Meditation
7. Focus on “I Am” Meditation
Guided Astral Travels
This section contains 8+1 two-hour-long guided astral projection meditations to practice transitioning into the astral realm with. All tracks are underlaid with purpose-built astral music.
1. Leaving Your Body
2. Connect to Someone
3. Who am I? Astral Contemplation
4. Healing Yourself through Astral Travel
5. Focus on the “I am” Astral Meditation
6. Nothingness Doorway
7. Completely Frozen
8. Astral Project with Me
9. Astral Projection & Lucid Dream Music
BONUS: Lucid Dreaming School
As a bonus you’ll get the Lucid Dreaming School
Containing 4 guided lucid dreams
It is possible to start astral projection
from inside a lucid dream
Give it a try
Full Moon Zoom Meetings
Each month around the full moon period where astral activity is the highest
We’ll meet in a zoom call with all the ones who bought the guide
You can ask any question of your hearts desire
We’ll share experiences and intend to connect in all realms
3 More Reasons
Based on Experience
This guide is based on my own direct experience with astral projection. In the last four years I have experienced numerous, frequent astral travels as a byproduct of my spiritual journey and meditation practice. I have read only one book on the matter and deliberately based this guide on the insights that I discovered throughout the years.
Connection & Transmission
Through this guide you will establish a connection with me and my energy field. Besides the direct communication of words there is a more subtle transmission occuring. Whatever you allow into your field of consciousness will become part of who you are. I might even visit you astrally (no guarantee).
Streamlined towards Liberation
This guide is streamlined towards the ultimate goal of self-realization, liberation, freedom and truth. Additionally, we take into account the needs of our day-to-day living experience. The middle way.
Discount Code
Discount Code $50 off: mw8fgpu
The Astral Projection Guide + Lucid Dreaming School + Access to Monthly Meetings